2016 Presidential Election Marketing Lessons

As marketers, the 2016 Election offers a dynamic view of the evolution of social media and data-driven initiatives. Brand managers jump to the campaign trail to learn the best practices from the “the wildest and most outrageous presidential election cycle in decades,” according to Adweek. While social media’s transforming role in this election needs to be addressed, is there more to know about campaign marketing for 2016?

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Why the Buzz on Snapchat?

Why the Buzz on Snapchat? From Marketing Land to Social Media Today, the coverage of Snapchat’s evolution is constantly in the news.  From the White House to the Emmy’s, Snapchat has…

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Facebook: Interactive Articles

Facebook’s Instant Articles provide publishers the opportunity to insert fast, interactive articles in Facebook news feeds.    Publishers like the New York Times, Buzzfeed, and National Geographic were some of the…

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