Why Content Is King in Internet Marketing

As you turn your attention toward internet marketing, there are several approaches that will get eyes on your website or online store. Search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and social media involvement could all bring in a temporary influx of new viewers, but the one and only way to retain loyal visitors and create conversations is to offer valuable content. Even the best internet marketing techniques may be overlooked without quality content to keep the attention of your visitors.

You Have Options
Content may be king, but you aren't as limited as you think in this department. Quality content comes in many forms, from blog posts, to YouTube videos, to podcasts. You can get as creative as you want, as long as what you offer provides something your audience is looking for in a way they will understand. If your ideal customer is highly visual, go with slideshows or multimedia clips. If you are looking to attract analytical clients, text-based case studies might be the kind of content you need to offer. They key to effective content is that it will do more than advertise your own purposes; it will also serve your customers' needs.

Improving Your Content
How do you know if your content is "good enough?" Try running it through the following checklist:

  • Is it clearly communicated? Proofread your text for spelling errors, grammatical problems, or run-on sentences. Make sure that video and audio presentations have an easy-to-follow outline and speakers who do not mumble or stumble over their words.
  • Does it serve your ideal audience? Your content will never please everybody. Target your content toward an ideal audience member. Would this person prefer a formal style, or a casual conversational approach?
  • How are you providing value? Depending on your ideal audience, the right answer to this question can vary. You may seek to inform, entertain, teach, or promote discussion.

Looking for ways to improve the content on your site? Joining AMA Tampa Bay gives you access to the resources you need, along with a vast network of marketing professionals who can help you achieve your goals.

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