Top Social Media Marketing Dos and Don’ts

Have you started social media accounts for your business yet? Setting up an online presence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or a blog can create meaningful connections and communication with your customers that promotes loyalty and valuable feedback – but opening an account is only your first step. Make sure you are receiving all the benefits you can from social media marketing.

Don't Ignore Your Followers
Social media runs on user interaction. It is these personal communications that will solidify a loyal relationship with your customers. Stay on top of your Twitter mentions, interact with the conversations on your Facebook wall, and reply to commenters on your blog. If you have a large following, you don't need to respond to every message, but stay involved enough that your readers can see that you are personable and available.

Do Post Frequently
Twitter and Facebook were made for short, daily posts. Try to post at least once a day, and aim for quick statements or links that provide value or promote discussion. Blogs should be updated at least once a week with valuable information that is easily scanned and optimized for search engine crawlers.

Don't Over Promote Your Brand
Most of your audience members are already fans of your products or service. Trying to advertise in every post will come off as distant and self-serving, and this tactic often results in a dwindling list of followers. Go ahead and link back to your website a couple times a week, but the majority of your posts should be interactive and conversational – with no hidden agenda.

Do Watch What You Say
It is extremely hard to erase anything once it has been released to the internet. Hold back when it comes to needless controversial opinions, emotional responses, or embarrassing stories and pictures. You won't be able to take them back.

Looking for more social media advice from successful marketing professionals? Our network can supply you with the connections and resources you need. Learn more about joining us today.

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