Rebranding Port Tampa: Q&A with Port Tampa Bay’s Karl Strauch

Have you registered for our April 16th event – Repositioning a Global Brand: A Case Study on Port Tampa Bay – with guest speaker Karl Strauch, VP of Branding Development and Strategic Alliances? If not, you need to hurry up because seats are limited. Don’t miss your chance to meet and learn from the marketing executive of Tampa’s largest economic engine and to learn about Port Tampa Bay’s ongoing rebranding. Here is a sneak peek of what you can expect.


AMA:         Who is Karl Strauch – the Marketer?
Karl:          A hybrid of disciplines – part creative director, part account executive (suit), part project manager, and a practitioner of the collaborative creative process.

AMA:         What is your background in?
Karl:          I consider myself a marketing executive working with all channels of the discipline, but my background is with advertising agencies.  I was lucky enough to experience Madison Avenue in its heyday, with the real Don Drapers and Peggy Olsons of the world.

AMA:         How long have you worked for Port Tampa Bay?
Karl:          It’s been a very active 18 months.

AMA:         What is the April event about?
Karl:          It is an interesting case study in rebranding and one that has a strong affiliation with our community. It’ll give people a better understanding of Tampa’s single largest economic engine and why this rebranding was so important.

AMA:         What is the main focus of the presentation and what are you hoping we can take from it?
Karl:          The focus is a primer into the global trade and logistics industry and how it needed to be rebranded.  The takeaways will really depend upon the background and experience of the individual but there’s something for everyone here.

AMA:         Who can benefit from attending the event?
Karl:          Marketing directors, public relations, and advertising personnel primarily, but like I said, there’s something for everyone here.

AMA:         From a marketing perspective – what is the Port currently up to?
Karl:          Creating growth in its multiple lines of business through infrastructure, operations, and finally storytelling (the marketing part).

AMA:         How has the Port marketing image changed, compared to 5 years ago for example?
Karl:          It has become more regional, more aggressive in its positioning, and more diverse in its business initiatives.

AMA:         Can you give a brief summary of what the new brand is?
Karl:          Aside from telling you we changed our name and developed a new look, no.  You’ll have to come see why we did it and understand what it means for our community.

AMA:         Any surprises during your presentation?
Karl:          Like Gallo wine, I’ll sell no wine before its time.


Register HERE. See you all at the Hilton.