Marketing to Gen Y: Best Techniques

If you're hoping to appeal to today's teens and twenty-somethings, you're going to need to develop some new tricks. Although this generation has money to spare – and they enjoy spending it – creating a marketing plan that captures their interest can be tricky business. These consumers turn their noses up at any advertisement strategy that smells of insincerity, but once you've impressed them and gained their trust, they will reward you with loyalty that doesn't waver.

Think Simple
Generation Y is immune to large, splashy displays of advertising bucks. Don't try too hard to get noticed. Instead of adding clutter or hyped-up rhetoric to your campaigns, go for a simple and straightforward message and visual. Sometimes less is more, and when it comes to generation Y, advertisements with ample empty space and few (but powerful) words will always grab their attention.

Relocate Your Advertisements
Finding the right place to market toward generation Y can be tricky. Studies have shown that this generation rarely subscribes to newspapers, doesn't pick up many magazines at the grocery store, and spends less and less time in front of their television sets. When they do watch TV shows, keep up with the news, or read feature articles, they are more likely to do so online. Marketing strategies for this generation are often more successful when ads and commercials are placed on Hulu, YouTube, or popular websites.

Generation Y can also be reached through the events they attend. Sponsoring charity events, marathons, or local venues for sports and music performances is a great way to target a younger audience.

Get Social
This generation is all about social relationships and connection – especially through their favorite online networks. Maintaining an active online presence on Facebook and Twitter can help you gather together your customers and cultivate the lasting product loyalty that generation Y is known for.

Looking for new ways to reach your generation Y customers? One of the best ways to bring in fresh ideas is to seek outside inspiration. Our extensive professional network may be able to help you. Learn more about joining AMA Tampa Bay today.

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