Insider Secrets of Direct Response Marketing

Smaller businesses may benefit from boosting their direct response marketing campaigns.

While brand recognition may be the advertising gold mine for large companies with a national presence, many businesses that do work on a smaller scale find that their similar efforts don't have quite the same punch. Direct response marketing is often the most fruitful approach in these situations – but not every direct response attempt will bring in the bucks. You need to know the secrets of eliciting a conversion.

  • Establish a clear target audience. If you can picture exactly who you are reaching out to, it will be easier to craft a persuasive ad that leads to an immediate response. Make sure you are speaking to their needs, desires, problems, and concerns.
  • Create an attention getter. This can be a bold headline or a beautiful graphic, but you need to be able to clearly answer the question: "What's drawing eyeballs to this advertisement?" If potential customers aren't stopping and reading, your message is lost.
  • Offer plenty of information. Unlike marketing that only seeks to establish or maintain brand recognition, direct response marketing requires that you include the details. What are you providing? Why should they care? How can they get it?
  • Include a call to action. What do you want your potential customer to do? Lead them easily to the next step, whether it's buying, calling, testing, or consulting.
  • Learn from your mistakes. Direct response marketing results are some of the easiest to analyze. You can measure exactly how many conversions resulted from your efforts. Make time to evaluate each new campaign. Note what works and what doesn't. Go from there.

Learn more about direct response marketing with Kevin Harrington on July 18th! Members get a discounted price and an exclusive opportunity to network with event speakers before the conference begins. Enjoy these benefits when you join AMA today.

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