10 Ways to Get More “Likes” on Your Facebook Page

Does your Facebook page resemble a ghost town these days? Use these tips to attract followers and increase interaction:

  1. Establish a fan base with friends first. It’s intimating to be the first one to like a page. If you are just starting out with Facebook’s pages, create a foundation by asking your friends and family to click “like.”
  2. Spread the word on your website, blog, or other social networking accounts. Facebook will give you a page badge, or “like” button, that you can place on your own site.
  3. Fill out the employment section. Type in the name of your page in the employer field while filling out your personal profile, and an easy link will be created at the top of your wall.
  4. Include a link in your email signature. As long as you have 25 or more followers, you can create a custom URL. Include the link at the end of your standard email signature.
  5. Mention your Facebook page on your business cards. Not every person who gets your card will have an immediate need for your services, but providing them with a Facebook page will give them a way to instantly connect with you in the time being.
  6. Create Incentive to Join. Whether you hold seasonal contests or provide discounts for Facebook followers, your customers need a convincing reason to sign up.
  7. Communicate clear information about your business. Getting potential new customers to your page is only half the battle. Now you need to convince them to click “like.” Have you effectively articulated what your business is and how it can help them?
  8. Deliver quality content. The best tip for attracting and keeping a following is providing value in your updates. Most Facebook users will peruse your last few updates before deciding to like a page.
  9. Update regularly. If a potential follower notices that you haven’t posted anything in months, they probably won’t like your page even if they love your business.
  10. Interact with your customers. Facebook thrives on community. Show your potential followers that if they like your page you will listen to what they have to say and build a relationship with them.

Our network of marketing professionals can help you achieve immediate growth on your Facebook page. Join us to share and receive tips on all forms of online marketing. 

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