Types of Resumes
Have you ever experienced frustration with the traditional outline for resumes? Maybe you've noticed that your particular skill set and work history isn't put in its best light when you start filling out tired and familiar resume templates. The way you organize and pull together your resume doesn't have to follow set-in-stone guidelines. In fact, a more creative presentation could grab more attention and make your resume more memorable. Consider the following tactics and determine which method would work best for you.
The Chronological Resume
This is the most common format for resume writing. You start with your most recent employment and work down, following up with your education and skills set. This organization works well for those with a very straight-forward professional life. If you went straight from school into an entry-level job and steadily built yourself up within the same industry, this method will probably work best for you because your most impressive experiences and accomplishments will be displayed first and foremost. If you've skipped around within different industries, taking a variety of relevant and irrelevant jobs, look for a different way. Try breaking the chronological order, listing your relevant experiences first, followed by your positions out of the industry to fill in the time gaps.
The Skills Resume
A list of skills and accomplishments often conclude a resume, but for some job searchers this list is the most attractive feature on their resume. If you don't have years of experience or an impressive formal education, start off your resume with a list of what would make you a valuable employee. List any special training or knowledge you have that will set you apart from more experienced applicants. Follow up with your education and your work history.
The Combination Resume
Some lucky job searchers have an impressive work history and a stellar list of skills to match. Should they stick with what works, or try something new in hopes of creating an attention grabber? Why not both? You can easily combine your work experience and your skills into one starting section. List your past employers, and within the job description list what skills you learned or used on that job.
After you've perfected your resume, where do you plan to send it? We can help you find job openings that match your qualifications and experience. Learn more by visiting our website and browsing our current positions.
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