Influencer Marketing is Here to Stay

The influencer marketing industry has increased rapidly over the past few years. While some argue that the industry has become widely over saturated, influencer marketing is certainly here to stay. Influencer content is a form of testimonial advertising that establishes trust between the brand and consumer. Due to the changing behavior of consumers, influencer marketing is extremely relevant. This marketing tool continues to evolve, and shows no signs of slowing down anytime in the future. Let’s discuss some of the reasons why influencer marketing is here for the long haul:

1.Influencers already have earned respect from an audience

An important advantage of influencer marketing is that brands are working with a person that already has a fan-base. Brands can pick and choose who they’d like to work with based on the target market they’re looking for. Most consumers are willing to see or hear product reviews from someone they admire or respect.

2. Relationships are Long-Term

Brands build long-term relationships with influencers through campaigns that are mutually beneficial  for both parties. Due to the saturated influencer marketing environment, brands are now sticking with their best influencers for longer to create more meaningful content. This tactic will ultimately make consumers brand-loyal without them even realizing it. Add a discount code for your favorite influencer to share with followers- new customers almost instantly!

3. Consumers Seek Authenticity before Purchasing

Consumers are looking for authenticity in reviews before buying a product. They are looking beyond the advertisement. When customers are able to relate to influencers, they are more likely to purchase the product. Consumers today are smart and can tell the difference between an advertisement and a recommendation. Influencers add an organic credibility component that brands would not be capable of otherwise.

4. Influencers Drive a High Return on Investment

Many marketers, especially new brands, use influencer marketing to grow their social media following. Most use this marketing tool to drive sales, and some use it to drive traffic to social profiles and websites. The greatest perk of influencer marketing is the higher return on investment it generates. Social sharing, digital media exposure, publicity, and noise are all products of influencer marketing campaigns.

Now we see why companies are beginning to allocate more spending for influencer marketing. Influencers resonate with today’s customers more than the average advertisement. Influencers have massive followings with a loyal fanbase which can help reach a larger audience for the brands they endorse. With most marketers yielding great results from influencer marketing, it’s impossible to ignore it.

Have you or will you be using influencers for your next marketing campaign? Comment below!


Born and raised in New York, Allison Smith is a professional Blogger. Since starting her blog in 2016, The Conscious Blondeshe has learned to create and develop original content across all social media platforms. She has had the opportunity to work with several brands to broaden their social media audiences.

Allison is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree at LIM College. Visit her LinkedIn to learn more.