Five Tips for Landing a Marketing Job

Even if the job market may seem grim, there are opportunities for marketing jobs everywhere. Interviewing for a marketing job might prove to be a little more difficult than interviewing for other positions because you are expected to "market" yourself and show that you understand the art. With the right job-search methods and a few tips, you can improve your chances of finding–and landing–a job in the marketing field. Here are five tips to take along on your journey to finding the best marketing career for you:

Tip #1: Market Yourself
Applying for a marketing job is a little different in that you are essentially marketing yourself. Demonstrate that you are qualified for the job by doing a good job of marketing yourself during the application and interview process. You can think of yourself as a brand and strive to distinguish yourself from other brands, show what can you bring to the table, etc. Avoid using buzz words and generic responses. Present a clear understanding of who you are and what you have to offer.

Tip #2: Check and Double Check
Good spelling and grammar are essential to marketing, and a necessary skill in any marketing position. Represent these capabilities by presenting your interviewer with a clean cover letter and resumé. Double check all of your spelling and grammar, and consider running it by a second set of eyes before submission.

Tip #3: Get to Know The Company
Any good marketer knows how important it is to know the company or brand you are representing. Take the initiative to get to know the company you are interviewing with, and show that you are interested in them.

Tip #4: Make Sure Your Resumé Stands Out
Don't use a template for your resumé! You should be innovative and think like a marketing professional, even for the smallest of details like the layout and design of your resumé. Think of your resumé as one of the most important marketing documents you will write. Use the same techniques you would use to market a product to market your benefits on your resumé. When showcasing prior experience, use bulleted lists and real numbers that show the results you have achieved in the past.

Tip #5: Join a Professional Organization
Network, network, network! Some of the best resources you can tap into for your career search are other marketing professionals. Here in the Tampa Bay Area, the American Marketing Association Tampa Bay chapter is a great resource for your job search. To find out more about us and how our network of professionals can help you, visit us online.