5 Ways to Differentiate Yourself in an Over-Saturated Blogging Environment
Blogging- a term that had been lightly used to describe a hobby in the past, has now become a legitimate, monetized business. Increasing user-friendly blogging sites and a digitally obsessed culture has created an over-saturated space for bloggers. While it’s never been easier to start a blog, standing out has become harder than ever. Individual bloggers, influencers, and businesses alike need to remember the purpose of a blog in the first place: to generate useful content that engages an audience.
If you feel your blog is not getting the spotlight it deserves, here are a few quick tips to differentiate yourself.
- Let your passion fuel your content
Take a moment to reflect on the moment you decided to start blogging. Why did you begin? Was it your love for food? Travel? Fashion? Writing? Rather than focus on what other bloggers are talking about, talk about the topics that excite you. Blog about what fuels your fire- not what you think others want to read. While it may not always be possible to pick a unique topic, it will always be possible to cover it from your own unique lens. Be passionate about your content and you’ll always be at the forefront of your industry. Passion speaks louder than words!
- Use original images
Originality will not go unnoticed. Using generic images will eventually become obvious. Going the extra mile to produce completely original content will help differentiate your blog. Creating original images and graphics will add value to your personal brand and set you apart from the rest.
- Let the Blog Walls down
The high volume of bloggers and influencers has led to a picture-perfect reality portrayed on a variety of platforms. It often leaves us wondering, how are their lives so perfect? The reality is – it’s quite easy to hide behind a blog or beautiful Instagram feed. Whatever your reality may be, share it with your readers. Life gets messy and it is seldom shared for the world to see. Being realistic and relatable will ultimately grow your following.
- Keep it Simple
This is where minimalism works. There is no need to add extra widgets and plugins just for the sake of having them. The excess features will take away from the theme of your blog. Stick to what is relevant to your content, and remove anything that does not add value.
- Build Relationships
Engagement is key. Set time aside to let your followers know they are recognized and appreciated. Answer comments and emails thoughtfully, and frequently. Finally, be sure to send newsletters to subscribers to make their subscription worth it. Keeping your subscribers in-the-know will build a community around your blog.
Born and raised in New York, Allison Smith is a professional Blogger. Since starting her blog in 2016, The Conscious Blonde, she has learned to create and develop original content across all social media platforms. She has had the opportunity to work with several brands to broaden their social media audiences.
Allison will be graduating from the University of Tampa in May, 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in International Business and Marketing. Visit her LinkedIn to learn more.