Archive for September 2010
Truth in Advertising: A Social Necessity or a Big Ball of Red Tape?
Communicating with consumers is not always the easiest task. Developing an engaging message about a useful product or service is often the easiest part. Getting past all the hurdles afterwards…
Read MoreThey’re Cooler than You and They Have Money to Spend
With every new generation comes a new sense of identity, new ideas on what defines cool and, for marketers, new headaches. How do we sell to kids? What do we…
Read MoreUnwavering Individual Contributions, Key to Chapter Success
By Colleen Chappell, Immediate Past President, AMA Tampa Bay The chance to serve as chapter president of an international organization is a once in a lifetime opportunity. As president of…
Read MoreSave Your Silver Bullets for Slaying Werewolves: Marketing And Marketing Research Require An Arsenal Of Understanding
By Jay L. Roth, President, J. L. Roth & Associates, Magic bullets only exist in fairy tales and fantasies. Marketing success requires understanding consumer needs (be they the needs…
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