
Rebranding is an Involved Process

By amasite | October 20, 2010

When sales are down or a company feels that their competitors are outpacing them, the marketing department often ends up being assigned a job. They are generally told that things…

Hyperlocal Targeting: Does it fit Your Needs?

By amasite | October 12, 2010

One of first things that businesses consider when either starting or growing operations is location. You must be located so as to be accessible to customers. These days the internet…

Your Mother Always Told You to be Yourself, Didn’t She?

By wpengine | October 6, 2010

Branding is more than a word that you throw at clients or managers because you are the marketing expert. It’s a real concept that exists in the marketplace. Consumers respond…

Truth in Advertising: A Social Necessity or a Big Ball of Red Tape?

By wpengine | September 28, 2010

Communicating with consumers is not always the easiest task. Developing an engaging message about a useful product or service is often the easiest part. Getting past all the hurdles afterwards…

They’re Cooler than You and They Have Money to Spend

By wpengine | September 20, 2010

With every new generation comes a new sense of identity, new ideas on what defines cool and, for marketers, new headaches. How do we sell to kids? What do we…

Unwavering Individual Contributions, Key to Chapter Success

By amasite | September 13, 2010

By Colleen Chappell, Immediate Past President, AMA Tampa Bay The chance to serve as chapter president of an international organization is a once in a lifetime opportunity. As president of…

Save Your Silver Bullets for Slaying Werewolves: Marketing And Marketing Research Require An Arsenal Of Understanding

By amasite | September 7, 2010

By Jay L. Roth, President, J. L. Roth & Associates, Magic bullets only exist in fairy tales and fantasies. Marketing success requires understanding consumer needs (be they the needs…

Not in Retail? Consumer Habits Still Matter

By wpengine | August 31, 2010

Last week, we looked at the results of Deloitte’s annual Back-to-School Shopping survey. Results indicate that, although they’re nowhere near ready for spending freely, consumers have adopted a less pessimistic…

Back-to-School Shopping Shows Promise for Marketers

By amasite | August 24, 2010

Students in Hillsborough County head back to school today, wearing new clothes and laden with school supplies. Each year, back-to-school shopping brings a boost to the retail market, and this…

But We’re the Marketing Department—Why Does Exit Strategy Matter?

By wpengine | August 17, 2010

Every successful business begins with an excellent plan, and that plan generally—and should—include an exit strategy. That exit strategy outlines the end goal for the business; for example, do the…